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How Does Silicon Carbide Cost?

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a high-tech non-oxide refractory material produced through electric resistance furnace smelting of high purity quartz sand and low ash petroleum coke in an electric resistance furnace.

Raw material costs have an effectful influence on the price of SiC production, including its Acheson and Lely processes. Energy expenses also have an influence.

Raw Materials

Silicon carbide, with the chemical formula SiC, is an extremely hard and dense synthetic crystalline compound of silicon and carbon that has been in use since late 19th century for various uses such as abrasives like sandpaper, grinding wheels and cutting tools; as well as industrial furnace and heating element linings and semi-conductor substrates in light emitting diodes (LED).

Quality and output of silicon carbide depend heavily on its raw materials, necessitating use of high-grade natural silica sand and ground quartz with an SiO2 content ideally exceeding 99.7% and low-ash petroleum coke as its carbon source – charcoal or anthracite may serve as alternatives but lack purity required for producing green silicon carbide products.

Silicon Carbide’s chemical inertness makes it an excellent material for manufacturing high-temperature refractories such as boiler furnace walls, checker bricks, muffles, kiln furniture’s and troughs used in zinc purification plants. Furthermore, its strength, wear resistance and low coefficient of thermal expansion also make it suitable for use as tool tipped tooling material.

Silicon carbide’s hardness and stability at high temperatures and voltages make it an invaluable component for use in power semiconductor devices, such as MOSFETs and IGBTs. Furthermore, its higher operating voltages and wider bandwidths than conventional silicon materials enable more efficient energy conversion while decreasing power loss – ideal for electric vehicles, 5G communications systems and photovoltaic power generation systems.

Manufacturing Process

Silicon carbide occurs naturally only in very limited quantities in moissanite, an opaque transparent mineral. As a result, silicon carbide must be produced artificially using mass production methods such as the Acheson process to meet industry and other applications’ high demands for it. One such process involves mixing silica and coke prior to heating them at high temperatures before chemically reacting at this high temperature to produce silicon carbide crystals.

The crude produced from this process is carefully crushed and classified, often milled again before chemically treated to achieve specific properties for various applications. For instance, it can be turned into heat insulation material such as ceramic fibers for electronic devices or hard abrasive products.

The end product of ceramic injection molding is an exceptionally strong, durable, corrosion resistant and high temperature ceramic material with the third highest hardness ranking among known compounds after diamond and cubic boron nitride. This material can be formed into various forms for industrial uses, including grinding wheels and cutting tools; its low neutron cross-section and resistance to radiation damage make it useful in nuclear reactor applications; furthermore it is widely used for abrasive applications as well as high temperature resistant materials used as deoxidizers in metal manufacturing facilities and high temperature resistant applications in industries.

Quality Standards

Quality silicon carbide ceramics impact their total cost and are especially critical in applications where performance is key, such as heavy slurry applications and pumping conditions where abrasion and corrosion resistance are essential. Silicon carbide stands out due to its hardness and chemical inertness which make it suitable for these demanding conditions. In comparison, Tungsten carbide (WC) can crack due to its tungsten binder material; to achieve comparable corrosion resistance requires costly molybdenum or chromium additives to achieve similar corrosion resistance.

Manufacturing processes used to make silicon carbide also play a significant role in its quality and cost. Hot press sintering creates more consistent material than Acheson and Lely processes; higher-quality sintered SiC can also be machined precisely, while its thermal conductivity makes it ideal for demanding applications like furnace components and thermal barrier coatings.

Silicon carbide’s wide bandgap properties have made it an invaluable technology in battery electric vehicles, where its wide bandgap properties enable lower power density per wafer, higher switching frequencies and shorter charging times. But meeting industry’s stringent zero defect goals can be difficult for silicon carbide substrate manufacturers; manufacturers must ensure their products can endure harsh environments and production processes by working with suppliers who offer comprehensive solutions packages.

Production Volume

Silicon carbide production takes an enormous amount of energy and time, having an adverse impact on the environment via carbon dioxide emissions and water consumption. Therefore, it is crucial that materials used in manufacturing silicon carbide come from ecologically sustainable sources.

Silicon carbide demand has skyrocketed globally as its use grows in power electronics and automotive applications. Silicon carbide semiconductor chips enable cars to travel further on one charge, thus cutting fuel usage. Their rise is anticipated to stimulate interest for electric vehicles.

Silicon carbide is an ideal material choice for power devices due to its resistance to thermal shocks and high voltages found within these devices, as well as being capable of operating at higher temperatures than its traditional silicon counterparts.

As demand for silicon carbide increases, manufacturers have begun investing in new facilities. Bosch recently expanded their wafer plant in Reutlingen to produce 8-inch wafers; this will enable it to manufacture larger amounts of semiconductors per batch while simultaneously cutting costs.

ROHM Co., Ltd (Japan), STMicroelectronics N.V (Switzerland), Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), Semiconductor Components Industries LLC (US), WOLFSPEED INC (US) and GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc. (US). Each of these companies have employed various strategies such as product launches, partnerships, collaborations contracts acquisitions expansions to further establish themselves within this market.
