Silicon Carbide is one of the most advanced ceramic materials on the market, providing outstanding performance in harsh environments. Integrating it into mechanical seals, bearings and cylinders increases efficiency, reliability and performance.
Sintered Silicon Carbide (SSiC) can be produced via direct sintering, while reaction-bonded Silicon Carbide (RBSiC) is cast using standard ceramic forming techniques and is also highly wear-resistant. Both materials offer great wear resistance.
High Resistance to Wear
Silicon carbide ceramic is one of the toughest abrasive-resistant materials on the market, boasting exceptional resistance against wear, abrasion, erosion and chemical corrosion from acids and alkalis. Furthermore, this material boasts excellent thermal shock and oxidation resistance properties.
ULTRON sintered SSiC ceramic is an advanced high-performance nitride bonded SiC material with superior high temperature strength, abrasion, and wear resistance properties. With a Mohs hardness rating of 13 and density near diamond, this high performance material can be used in applications including 3D printing, ballistics, chemical production, paper manufacturing and pipe system system components.
Reaction Bonded SiSiC (ZPC) is composed of fine green SiC powder that can be formed into pipes, tiles, liners or blocks for long service lives and reduced wear and vibration in equipment. The material features high impact resistance while offering increased wear resistance compared to alumina ceramic materials.
High Resistance to Corrosion
Silicon carbide boasts superior corrosion and oxidation resistance, making it an excellent material choice for harsh environments such as mines or chemical processing facilities. Furthermore, its strength and abrasion-resistance make it suitable for mining operations or chemical processing operations.
SiC stands apart from many refractory materials by withstanding large temperature fluctuations without significant dimensional changes, offering unparalleled durability and reliability in demanding industrial applications. This material offers more resilience against stress cracking or deformation risk.
ZPC reaction bonded silica (RBSiC or SiSiC) ceramics are produced through pressureless sintering, yielding products with excellent performance at an economical cost. Moh’s hardness rating of nine provides erosion resistance as well as anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation protection against erosion, corrosion, abrasion resistance and anti-oxidation protection; RBSiC ceramics can be made into large size liners, blocks and cylinders, providing up to 7 times longer service life than 92% alumina material material.
High Resistance to Impact
Advanced ceramics must have the capacity to withstand impact in order to be useful tools in harsh environments like chutes, hoppers, tubes and cyclones. Boron nitride and silicon carbide are among the hardest materials known to man, second only to diamond. High resistance to impact offers protection for equipment in these harsh conditions such as chutes hoppers tubes cyclones etc.
Reaction Bonded SiC (RBSiC) features exceptional abrasion resistance, erosion and corrosion resistance as well as higher hardness than its nitride-bonded counterpart. RBSiC also exhibits excellent anti-oxidation capabilities and can be machined into more intricate shapes for greater machined capabilities and greater complexity of forms. With its Moh’s scale hardness of 9.5, Reaction Bonded SiC can be made to order in various thicknesses to meet customer demands.
RBSiC is an ideal wear resistant material, perfect for hypersonic aircraft and missile nose cone applications, thanks to its mechanical properties. Other markets for RBSiC include mining, steel processing industries, chemical applications such as shot blasting or mechanical sealing and shot blasting services.
High Resistance to Heat
Silicon carbide is known for being extremely heat resistant, making it suitable for environments such as chemical production, paper manufacturing and refractory ceramics production.
IPS Ceramics provides sintered and reaction bond SSiC tiles, plates and liners manufactured using slip casting from fine green SiC powder using Germany technology and standards to produce precision zero-porosity ceramics with exceptional chemical resistance, mechanical properties that outperform most competitors and superior wear resistance.
Sinterd SiC’s high hardness helps provide protection from abrasion in environments with high wear rates, such as cyclones, tubes, chutes and hoppers. Furthermore, its strong mechanical strength reduces wear on moving parts such as shafts, gears and rotors – as well as increasing system service life – leading to significantly lower operating costs and increased productivity.