Rohm has made significant advancements in SiC componentry for power semiconductor devices. Their fourth generation trench MOSFET boasts lower energy losses and allows for smaller power systems.
Electric Vehicles can operate at 800V for faster high-voltage charging, providing increased efficiency and range extension.
Silicon carbide, or SiC for short (commonly referred to as carborundum or corundum), is a hard chemical compound comprised of silicon and carbon that finds use in industrial products like abrasives and cutting tools; consumer electronics like television screens, DVD players and mobile phone displays; car brakes and clutches as well as ceramic plates used in bulletproof vests – among many others applications. Silicon carbide also plays an integral role across various other industries like aerospace, automotive and energy.
ROHM has introduced an array of SiC power devices, such as MOSFETs, with higher operating temperatures and lower losses than standard silicon power transistors – characteristics which make them an excellent fit for applications requiring high speed switching such as electric vehicle inverters.
ROHM SiC power semiconductors are well suited to this task due to their superior performance and durability – this makes ROHM SiC power semiconductors one of the cornerstone components in any electric vehicle (EV).
SiC field-effect transistors (FETs) offer several distinct advantages over their silicon counterparts in terms of rise voltage and temperature dependence; making them perfect for fast switching applications at higher speeds. Furthermore, their thermal runaway prevention capability means they can even be operated safely when exposed to extremely high temperatures – something which has enabled production of numerous advanced electronics products while increasing energy efficiency, smaller sizes and reduced weight in many equipment pieces.
Silicon carbide’s wide energy bandgap makes it an excellent semiconductor material for power electronics applications, such as inverters found on electric vehicles (EVs). Their efficiency allows EV drivers to extend driving range while keeping battery sizes smaller – thanks in large part to significantly reduced conversion losses compared to silicon models at higher voltage levels of 800V or above.
Silicon carbide’s low thermal expansion, rigidity and electrical conductivity make it a useful material for various other uses. For instance, its mirrors are used extensively on many astronomical telescopes like Herschel Space Telescope and Gaia Space observatory – as are its use in some fusion reactors due to its ability to withstand very high temperatures and radiation exposure.
ROHM has already developed a range of SiC MOSFETs designed specifically for 1500V DC systems used in PV inverters, UPS units and other industrial applications, both discretely or as bare chips for module manufacturers. ROHM also entered the automotive market by providing 2kV SiC SBDs used as PFC sections of onboard chargers and inverters aimed at increasing range while decreasing battery size; their device offers industry-leading low ON resistance as well as short circuit withstand time critical for increasing driving range while decreasing battery size when applied to electric vehicle (EVs).
Silicon carbide’s wide energy bandgap helps reduce conversion losses in electric drive systems, increasing battery efficiency and driving range. Furthermore, high-performance SiC power devices deliver much superior performance compared with traditional silicon IGBTs found onboard chargers and motor inverters for electric vehicles.
ROHM has seen rapid adoption of their 4th Generation 750V and 1200 V SiC MOSFETs in electric vehicle inverters, thanks to their industry-leading low ON resistance per unit area without compromising short circuit withstand time, as well as lower parasitic capacitance that enhances switching performance for smaller inverters.
These power devices feature a wider operating temperature range than silicon components, enabling them to function at higher temperatures without compromising reliability or performance. As such, they make an ideal solution for power electronics applications which require extended temperature range operation.
Rohm has developed a comprehensive range of power-efficient semiconductors and Schottky barrier diodes made from SiC to meet high-speed switching applications, and these diodes come in different packages to meet specific requirements for current dissipation and power dissipation.
ROHM’s combination of device/control and module technologies enable it to offer optimal power solutions for various applications. Rohm has recently collaborated with Valeo on developing its two-in-one TRCDRIVE pack(tm), designed specifically for electric vehicle inverters; through this partnership it expects to increase sales of power semiconductors for electric vehicle inverters.
Silicon carbide chips can operate at higher temperatures, voltages and frequencies than their silicon counterparts to minimize power losses and make them an excellent fit for electric vehicle inverters, converters and on-board chargers. Their reduced energy consumption helps extend driving range per battery charge while improving battery management systems overall.
ROHM recently issued a press statement explaining their new Gen 4 products were created to meet the high-speed switching demands of power electronics like inverters and bidirectional chargers for electric vehicles. Their superior breakdown voltage ratings can accommodate over twice as much current while offering 50% lower switching loss and 40% reduced on-resistance per unit area without compromising short circuit withstand ability.
These high-efficiency MOSFETs feature a low threshold voltage that enables them to function at higher temperatures without needing cooling systems to dissipate excess heat, helping further decrease energy losses while simultaneously improving efficiency, as well as being suitable for smaller devices than conventional silicon chips.
No single wafer is necessary to achieve high performance applications; additionally, their manufacturing process incorporates 100% green technologies – factory automation and renewable energy systems among them – for lower environmental impact than traditional semiconductors.