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Plattor av kiselkarbid

Silicon carbide (SiC) plates are high-strength ceramics with outstanding mechanical and thermal properties, offering unparalleled mechanical strength and thermal regulation. SiC can be formed into flat pieces through pressureless sintering, hot pressing or reactive bonding processes for fabrication into pieces that meet our specifications.

Hard, lightweight materials with multi-threat protection capabilities make ceramic balls integral components of protective equipment and armored vehicles. Their excellent corrosion resistance and low thermal expansion rates also make them essential parts of the arsenal.


Silicon carbide, commonly referred to as corundum, is one of the hardest materials on Earth. This black man-made crystal contains carbon and silicon atoms and occurs naturally as moissanite mineral; however, manufactured granular products containing Silicon Carbide such as brake pads for automobiles or ceramic plates in bulletproof vests also use Silicon Carbide as one of their components.

Armor-grade plates offer exceptional hardness, durability and multi-threat protection from ballistic projectiles, high velocity fragments and chemical agents. Furthermore, their lightweight nature compared to other armor materials allows greater mobility and comfort for wearers.

SiC ceramic material differs from its ceramic counterparts in that its strength remains at elevated temperatures while also being highly resistant to abrasion and corrosion, offering a wide selection of shapes, sizes and dimensions to meet various applications.

Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) is an internationally-recognized provider of silicon carbide plates. We pride ourselves on delivering top-quality, long-lasting silicon carbide products at cost-effective rates – contact us now to find out more!

Termisk konduktivitet

Silicon Carbide plates boast high thermal conductivity, making them suitable for applications requiring high temperatures such as kiln liners, ceramics and electrical components. Their low thermal expansion rate also withstands extreme temperature fluctuations. Furthermore, these non-toxic plates are resistant to acid corrosion – making them safe and cost-effective solutions for many uses.

b-silicon carbide crystal structure resembles that of a three-dimensional cubic lattice composed of silicon atoms surrounded by four carbon atoms, giving rise to its strength and hardness due to the strong bonding between silicon and carbon atoms. As it resists chemical attack at high temperatures, silicon carbide material has long been utilized as wafer tray supports and paddles in semiconductor furnaces as well as being an indispensable element in resistors such as thermistors and varistors due to high temperature expansion resistance as well as chemical purity qualities that distinguish silicon carbide from its competitors.

Silicon carbide can be produced using various processes, including hot pressing, hot isostatic pressing (HIP), and reaction-bonded sintering. All three involve mixing powders with binder materials at high temperatures to form green bodies that will then be sintered into finished products at precise tolerances ensuring its mechanical properties will hold up against extreme conditions.

Resistance to Corrosion

Silicon carbide plates boast exceptional resistance to corrosion in environments like those found in industrial furnaces, while their thermal expansion rate and durability make them suitable for protective equipment and armored vehicles. Silicon carbide protects soldiers and personnel against multiple threats like ballistic projectiles, high velocity fragments and chemical agents – ideal characteristics for use against ballistic threats and chemical agents.

Corrosion of refractory materials occurs in environments exposed to chemicals, leading to gradual material loss due to chemical attack on their surfaces. The decrease in strength reduces lifetime through an increase in surface flaws that could eventually cause mechanical failure; silicon carbide materials provide superior corrosion resistance due to their protective oxide layer on their surfaces.

Silicon carbide plates can be produced using various techniques, including hot pressing and hot isostatic press (HIP), as well as reaction-bonded sintering (RBS). All three processes involve heating green bodies at extreme temperatures in order to form homogenous refractory plates – however these methods do not guarantee their integrity.

Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) is a reliable supplier of silicon carbide products, such as SiC plates. SAM provides various sizes and thicknesses to meet customer needs and customization is also available upon request. Get in touch with us now for more information or place an order!

Kemisk beständighet

Silicon carbide plates have proven themselves remarkably resistant to corrosion even under extreme environments. Used frequently in fluid control systems involving chemicals or liquids found in chemical processing or oil and gas extraction industries, this plate material also makes an excellent choice for furnace linings or kiln furniture applications due to its strength, durability, and resistance to abrasion.

Reaction bonded silicon carbide (Si-SiC) and silica metal matrix composites (Si-SiC MMCs) are two forms of material widely used for high performance applications, typically plate forms with higher strength-to-weight ratio than most refractory materials and the ability to withstand temperatures up to 1600degC without losing mechanical properties.

Reaction bonded silicon carbide stands out among ceramic materials as an exceptional material with outstanding chemical stability, resisting crack formation. Furthermore, its crystalline structure protects it against oxidation and abrasion – making it suitable for industrial applications.

Si-SiC can be used as a dielectric layer in semiconductor devices to reduce power loss, and is commonly employed as a refractory material in furnaces and kilns. Solar panel coatings often feature Si-SiC due to its ability to efficiently conduct sunlight into their panels, and its hardness and resistance makes it an attractive option for aerospace parts that must withstand intense vibration and extreme temperatures.
