Silicon carbide is an extremely hard and resilient material. It withstands chemical reactions well and exhibits low thermal expansion rates for use under extreme heat conditions.
Eurotherm’s W type elements are constructed from recrystallised high-purity silicon carbide for optimal use in high temperature environments. Compatible with O2 and high vacuum applications.
Motståndskraft mot höga temperaturer
Silicon carbide is an exceptionally heat resistant material, capable of withstanding very high temperatures without deforming. This characteristic makes it a suitable material for furnaces exposed to such temperatures while helping create an effective working environment.
Silicon carbide elements typically exhibit nonlinear resistance-temperature relationships, increasing as temperatures increase while simultaneously decreasing when temperatures decrease – this phenomenon is known as time-dependent property.
Silicon carbide’s ability to withstand high temperatures is equally essential in terms of corrosion prevention. Silicon carbide can withstand exposure to numerous chemicals and vapors such as dry oxygen, hot gases, molten salts, and liquid metals without becoming damaged by them.
Silicon carbide is an extremely durable material with excellent resistance to impact damage, making it suitable for many industrial uses ranging from ceramics and heat treating, through metallurgy and assaying, all the way to ceramics manufacturing.
As with all materials, silicon carbide will eventually age over time due to its tendency to oxidize, leading to silica film formation at its grain boundaries. To avoid this from occurring, all MHI silicon carbide heating elements are treated with our NoAgeTM process in order to remain stable during their lifespan and therefore slowing the rate at which they age as much as possible – thus increasing lifespan by up to 25% or more!
Excellent Resistance to Corrosion
Silicon carbide, an extraordinarily hard, crystalline compound of silicon and carbon, has long been used in sandpaper production and cutting tools, but also features heavily in metallurgical applications, rocket engines, semiconductor electronics such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) manufacturing applications and semiconductor electronics applications such as light emitting diodes (LEDs). Although initially discovered within moissanite jewels, synthetic production is now the norm.
Silicon carbide’s primary corrosion protection comes from its oxide layer, which prevents an attacking species from directly reacting with its substrate. The thickness and composition of this protective shield depend on both temperature and composition of its attacking environment; this feature is especially crucial in environments with complex chemistry like coal slag.
To evaluate the ability of an oxidized silicon carbide (c-SiC) coating to withstand corrosion, c-SiC specimens were exposed for 500 hours at 700 degC and under an argon atmosphere to a highly corrosive mixture of molten chloride salts, before mechanical testing and microstructural analysis were conducted on them. Results show that they successfully resist this highly corrosive salt solution.
c-SiC elements stand out for their superior corrosion resistance, making them suitable for use in industrial furnaces and high temperature processes such as metal heat treatment, ceramic and glass production and semiconductor manufacturing. Their excellent temperature control and energy efficiency enable demanding industrial applications.
Hög värmeledningsförmåga
Silicon carbide elements’ high thermal conductivity allows them to quickly transmit heat, leading to lower energy usage, faster process speeds and longer lifespans than comparable metals.
Silicon Carbide (SC) is an extremely hard crystalline material usually synthesized artificially. While most commonly associated with its use in sandpaper and cutting tools, SC has also been employed for semiconductor substrates, rocket engines and semiconductor heaters for industrial furnaces. SC boasts excellent corrosion resistance as well as being capable of withstanding high temperatures without cracking under pressure.
Silicon carbide materials must undergo embryo processing, high temperature siliconization and recrystallization in order to guarantee maximum durability in their elements. As a result, their low electrical resistivity helps ground the elements against static charge accumulation.
Silicon carbide elements achieve this outcome using an innovative manufacturing method which incorporates nitrogen in its reactants. This results in low electrical resistivity with more even distribution. Nitrogen incorporation is achieved by increasing precursor nitrogen concentration levels while simultaneously raising deposition chamber or furnace pressure between 300 torr and 835 torr, with optimal conditions being between 320 torr and 700 torr.
Low Resistivity to Vapors
Silicon carbide heating elements have the ability to withstand high working temperatures without degrading or losing their strength, which extends their lifespan and allows them to be used in demanding applications where regular replacements would otherwise be difficult or impractical. Furthermore, their resistance against harmful gases and water vapor help minimize rod aging speed while improving shape retention and insulation capabilities.
Morgan Advanced Materials’ Performance SiC is known for its excellent chemical and erosion resistance, making it suitable for industrial settings with rigorous demands. Furthermore, its thermal properties offer even and consistent heat distribution across large surfaces reducing temperature variance in industrial furnaces. Our SC Type, H Type, W Type and SCR Type silicone carbide heating elements meet a range of application needs from maintaining precise temperature control in high tech manufacturing to increasing thermal uniformity of chambers and liners.
When using fixed current limit with a silicon carbide element, it is critical that its operating power stays below and to the left of its heating element power curve (Figure 5), otherwise its risk of overheating will increase significantly and damage or failure may ensue. Silicon carbide elements typically possess lower resistance values when first reaching operating temperature than they will when reaching their setpoint temperature; as a result, overheating becomes likely.