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Black silicon carbide grit, one of the hardest blasting medias available today, features an angular grain shape and breaks down continuously, creating sharp cutting edges. It can be reused multiple times for applications like rock tumbling.

Fused and crystallized from carbon with an angular shape, fused carbon comes in various grit sizes for superior durability and is often utilized by aerospace, steel and automotive industries.

Abrasive Blasting

Abrasive blasting involves blasting surfaces with pressurized equipment in order to clean, smooth, roughen or shape them using abrasive media. It’s a popular technique used for clearing away contaminants like rust and oil from metal parts and structures; additionally it prepares surfaces for painting or coating applications as well as enhances metal adhesion. Abrasive blasting can be carried out manually using special nozzles or automated with machines mounted on trailers or rail systems for large or continuous operations.

Blast materials come in all shapes, sizes and hardnesses – it’s essential that the appropriate one be selected for any job. Organic blast media like garnets, walnut shells or ground corn cobs may be safer for delicate projects while more abrasive synthetic blast media include process byproducts like copper and coal slag as well as engineered abrasives like aluminum oxide and silicon carbide along with recycled products like glass beads and ceramic shot.

Chemical stripping doesn’t reach every corner of a workpiece like abrasive blasting does, whereas this technique reaches every crevice and surface area on an object. Abrasive blasting provides an efficient method of surface preparation when cleaning or etching is required before applying new materials; additionally it’s less destructive if handled correctly and involves less waste material; its only drawbacks being messyness and special safety gear such as gloves, hearing protection and respirators are required for successful use.

Wire Sawing

Wire sawing is an innovative material cutting method which utilizes wire with diamond impregnated beads or abrasive particles to cut materials such as concrete, stone and metal. It is typically employed during construction projects that utilize unconventional methods for cutting. Furthermore, it’s used by semiconductor and photovoltaic industries for silicon wafer cutting purposes while machine shops rely on it when cutting metal parts.

This cutting technique is both efficient and clean, making it more cost-effective than traditional saws. It produces less dust, leading to cleaner construction sites with reduced air quality issues. Furthermore, this cutting method cuts materials more easily, which reduces risks while saving both time and money.

Wire sawing is an intricate process requiring balance between sawing efficiency and kerf loss, particle modeling can assist with this challenge by offering fresh insights into cutting process that are otherwise hard to come by.

Example: the density of abrasive particles can be affected by factors like geometry of contact zone geometry and presence of steel wire, which can be simulated using a particle model. Furthermore, using this information you can select appropriate grain and bonding type combinations to optimize cutting process performance for specific cutting conditions resulting in improved overall results.


Silicon carbide (SiC) is an extremely hard and strong ceramic with unique thermal and electronic properties that make it suitable for electronics operating in harsh environments and mechanical applications requiring high strength. SiC is very stable at high temperatures with low expansion rate depending on temperature changes; has low thermal expansion rate with temperature changes; and boasts significant electrical breakdown strength – making it an indispensable material choice. This property makes SiC an invaluable choice when considering electronics requiring reliable performance as well as mechanical applications requiring high strength performance.

Modern methods for producing SiC for use in abrasives, metallurgical, and refractories industries follow an original process introduced by Edward G. Acheson in 1891. A mixture of pure silica sand with carbon in the form of powdered coke is assembled around an electric conductor within a brick electrical resistance-type furnace; an electric current passes through this mixture causing chemical reactions which yield high-density carbides of silicon and carbon that produces high density SiC carbides of silicon and carbon that results in high density carbides made up of silicon and carbon.

Crude SiC is then crushed and milled into grains and powders suitable for different uses, primarily grinding wheels and other abrasive products; it may also be found in automotive brakes and clutches and bulletproof vest ceramic plates embedded with SiC plates embedded for bulletproof use. Furthermore, SiC can also be made into various shapes and sizes suitable for anti-slip, coated abrasives, refractories insulators wiresawing applications as well as being an essential ingredient in manufacturing semiconductors – doping with nitrogen or phosphorus produces an n-type semiconductor while mixing it with beryllium, boron aluminum or gallium can create p-type semiconductors – providing SiC with many industrial uses!


Lapping is a finishing process used to produce highly precise surfaces. Lapping can be performed on metals as well as ceramics, bronze, rubber, plastic and tungsten carbide materials such as ceramics. Lapping may be done either flat surfaces (in order to achieve specific surface roughness levels) or various shapes with concave or convex surfaces that require specific configuration. Lapping requires significant labor-intensive skill and can often produce waste abrasive which must be properly disposed off afterwards.

Lapped surfaces’ finishes depend on the type and coarseness of abrasives used, the size of their grits, and type of lubrication they employ. Coarse abrasive granules can leave gray or frost-like surfaces while finer ones provide polished results; many different materials such as aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, boron carbide, and diamond can all be utilized during lapping processes.

Single-sided lapping machines work by lapping only one side of a part at a time while the opposite part is held against a plate using hand weights or pneumatic down pressure, thereby eliminating warping during processing and potentially eliminating need for holding devices. While this method is quick and effective for certain parts, its application has its limitations.
