Silicon carbide transistors have quickly gained ground in power electronics applications that demand higher voltage semiconductor devices, due to several key properties that allow them to provide performance levels not seen with devices made from other materials.
Silicon carbide is a strong material with wide band-gap semiconductor properties. It is formed from combining silicon and carbon with strong covalent bonds to form this robust substance.
High breakdown electric field strength
Silicon carbide is a compound semiconductor material with a higher breakdown electric field strength than silicon. This allows it to operate under conditions where other semiconductor materials cannot, making it an attractive candidate for power electronics applications.
Though pure silicon carbide acts as an electrical insulator, it can be made to conduct electricity with the controlled addition of impurities such as aluminum, boron and gallium dopants that create P-type and N-type regions necessary for device fabrication. As a result, these devices boast wider operating voltage ranges than their traditional IGBTs and bipolar transistor counterparts.
Silicon carbide possesses not only high voltage capability, but also wide operating temperature range and excellent thermal conductivity, making it suitable for high-temperature switching applications. Furthermore, silicon carbide boasts three times wider bandgap width compared to silicon, leading to reduced carrier concentration levels and superior switching performance.
SiC MOSFETs differ significantly from their silicon counterparts in that they feature lower turn-on resistance and switching losses while being highly efficient, offering faster response times and replacement capability in various power electronics applications. They can replace IGBTs and standard power MOSFETs in high frequency applications while handling higher level transients that would otherwise cause damage.
High temperature operation
Silicon carbide transistors’ wide bandgap allows them to withstand higher operating temperatures than their silicon counterparts, thanks to its wide electron channeling ability. High temperatures would otherwise force electrons out of conduction band and cause currents that disrupt logic operations – an issue not encountered with silicon carbide’s wide bandgap that moves electrons more efficiently than in silicon transistors.
Case Western Reserve University researchers recently conducted an impressive experiment, in which silicon carbide MOSFETs operated for more than 105 hours in an extremely hot oven at temperatures close to 550 degC – far surpassing any minimum operating temperature requirement in most power electronics applications.
Researchers created a MOSFET with an N-drift layer, an N+ source region, trench gate, metal drain and supply electrodes, as well as N+ source region; this configuration is often called planar DMOS device. They then conducted tests of negative edge-triggered D flip-flop circuitry which detects negative transients from an AC signal and compares them with positive ones to create negative edge triggered D flip flop circuitry that captures negative transients as measured against positive ones in real time.
They found that the chip performed exceptionally well under extreme conditions, with only one bit failing after 95 hours of operation at 470 degC. This suggests it could be used in various applications requiring high temperatures – including electric vehicle chargers and equipment that operates at high temperatures.
Low switching losses
Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices have become an increasingly popular choice in key power electronics applications, including inverters that convert utility-grade solar PV into DC current, industrial AC-to-DC converters for electricity storage purposes and electrical vehicle chargers. This trend can be attributed to SiC devices’ ability to handle higher voltages with reduced losses than their counterparts made from traditional silicon semiconductors – increasing power conversion system efficiency significantly.
Pure SiC is an insulator, but when doped with impurities such as aluminum, gallium, or boron it becomes electrically conducting and can conduct electricity more easily. These dopants can then be grown onto silicon substrates to produce silicon carbide metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (SiC MOSFET).
SiC MOSFETs’ high breakdown electric field strength makes them ideal for hard-switching topologies like LLC and ZVS, in which devices switch on and off at high frequencies. Furthermore, SiC MOSFETs feature low switching losses which allow designers to reduce capacitor and inductor sizes in their designs while decreasing total system costs. Furthermore, operating them at higher temperatures helps minimize power loss while increasing system efficiency.
Long life
Silicon Carbide (SiC) power devices stand out for their outstanding longevity, being able to withstand higher temperatures, voltages, and frequencies than silicon-based semiconductors – which often fail early due to certain circumstances – making these robust devices ideal for hard and resonant switching topologies such as LLC and ZVS as well as other high performance circuit designs due to low on-state losses as well as energy conversion efficiency. This makes SiC devices highly desirable.
SiC’s unique atomic structure enables it to behave as an alternating semiconductor material with its bandgap being almost three times greater than traditional silicon semiconductors – giving rise to wide band-gap materials like SiC.
SiC is notable for its thermal conductivity and short cooling paths, leading to less power loss overall. Furthermore, its high breakdown voltage enables designers to shrink devices without compromising performance or reliability.
While conventional silicon devices remain the industry standard for power electronics, increasing pressure from governments for reduced emissions and the rising popularity of BEVs is prompting companies to explore other materials like SiC and GaN which offer superior characteristics that could replace it in various components of an electric vehicle.